#30Mentors30Days  is a community-driven initiative to showcase the profound impact of dedicating just one hour to volunteer work. Volunteering with BBBS  enhances mental health and fosters a sense of social responsibility—we encourage businesses, students, and the general public to get involved!

Anyone can be a friend– Join us in championing volunteerism and help build a healthier, more connected community.

We make volunteering easy!

Apply today to help us reach our goal or connect with our team member for further info and business volunteerism inquires:



Tori and I were matched November 2018.  She was this cute, shy little girl- not to sure about going with me, but she soon became comfortable and chatty.  Our match has grown from playing tag, hide and seek and playgrounds to Starbucks and singing along to Taylor Swift. We like to skate, bake, craft and paint as well as shop. BBBS keeps us informed of cost-wise activities and ideas to enjoy which is a big help and are always available to chat if you have any questions or concerns. I thought about volunteering with BBBS for quite some time before I finally took the chance, and I am so glad I did.  At age 64 I wasn’t sure I would even be considered, but I was and it has been the best thing I have ever done for myself.  It really is fun to have a young friend to have fun with!! Tori asks “How long will we be friends” and I reply ” As long as you want to be friends”.  She says “Good” so I know she is having fun too!

Think about volunteering with BBBS- it might just be the BEST thing you have ever done, not only for yourself but for a waiting young friend.